School Newsletters

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Newsletter - September 2015
All is going well as we settle back in to the new school year. It is great to see all the children (and parents!)happy to be back and eager to start in their new classes. We are looking forward to another year of great learning experiences!
We are delighted to welcome Deirdre back from maternity leave and welcome Alison Jones to the team - both will be in the Learning Support and Resource team. Deirdre and Jean will be job sharing this year. Welcome also to SNA Anne Condon.
Welcome to new children Andrea, Finn, Eugene, Aliyah, Sara, Immanuel, Cindy and all the new Junior Infants.
Curriculum Information Sessions
All parents are invited to attend class information sessions. Each class teacher will talk to parents as a group about the curriculum, class expectations, homework, etc. The schedule for these sessions is: Thursday, 10th at 9 for Junior/Senior Infants, Friday, 11th at 9 for 3rd/4th, Monday 14th at 9 for 1st/2nd, Tuesday, 15th at 9 for 5th/6th. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
We are piloting a new approach to spelling this year - we will not be using spelling lists or Friday tests anymore. Mary will explain the new system to parents at the curriculum information sessions (see above).
After School Activities
Spanish class will begin again on September 14th. It will be available to children from 2nd to 6th and will cost 40 euro per child for 10 hours. This includes all materials and end of course certificate. If your child would like to join please sign and return the attached slip.
Knitting, Basketball/Art and Book Club will be available as After School Activities this year - more information and start dates to follow later.
Forms to be Completed
If you are the parent of a new pupil please return the Pupil Profile Form you received earlier this week.
Also, for new pupils, please complete attached Primary Online Database (POD) form and return before Friday, 11th September. This is an important Department of Education requirement.
If you wish to avail of the optional Pupil Personal Accident Insurance please complete the attached form and return to the school office along with the fee no later than the 18th September 2015
Clean Up
Weather permitting, a cleanup of the school garden, shed, yard and surrounding areas is planned for Saturday, September 12th, starting at 12 o'clock. Please come along and give us a hand!
School Breakfasts/Lunches
Everyone is set up on Carambola breakfasts/lunches:, except for those who have opted out. There are extra items to choose from this year so please login to select those options. The children will have received samples of the new items this week, for example, breakfast cereal, fruit pot, flapjack, scone, etc. If you want to access breakfast and lunch menus and you do not have your child's login details please contact the school office.
After School Catholic Religion Classes
Classes will start back next Wednesday, September 9th. from 3 20pm to 4 20 pm.
Book Rental Money
Thanks to those who have sent in money for book rental, photocopying, art and craft, etc.
Any outstanding money should be sent in as soon as possible.
Les Miserables
Good luck to Caitriona (3rd class) who is playing Cosette in Les Miserables. The shows are on in Siamsa Tire on Thursday 24th, to Saturday 26th September, at 8pm and a matinee on Saturday at 2:30pm.
Safety - Drop Off and Pick Up
To help us have a safe school year we ask that you park in the car parks outside the school barrier. Please do not drive into the area in front of the school.
Information Update
If there has been any change to your information details, such as change of address, etc. please let the school know as soon as possible.
New Enrolments Welcome
We continue to enrol children as the school year begins. If you know any families who may be interested in our school please invite them to contact us.
These are links to Mary's two recent Kerry Radio interviews
Go raibh maith agaibh.
All is going well as we settle back in to the new school year. It is great to see all the children (and parents!)happy to be back and eager to start in their new classes. We are looking forward to another year of great learning experiences!
We are delighted to welcome Deirdre back from maternity leave and welcome Alison Jones to the team - both will be in the Learning Support and Resource team. Deirdre and Jean will be job sharing this year. Welcome also to SNA Anne Condon.
Welcome to new children Andrea, Finn, Eugene, Aliyah, Sara, Immanuel, Cindy and all the new Junior Infants.
Curriculum Information Sessions
All parents are invited to attend class information sessions. Each class teacher will talk to parents as a group about the curriculum, class expectations, homework, etc. The schedule for these sessions is: Thursday, 10th at 9 for Junior/Senior Infants, Friday, 11th at 9 for 3rd/4th, Monday 14th at 9 for 1st/2nd, Tuesday, 15th at 9 for 5th/6th. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
We are piloting a new approach to spelling this year - we will not be using spelling lists or Friday tests anymore. Mary will explain the new system to parents at the curriculum information sessions (see above).
After School Activities
Spanish class will begin again on September 14th. It will be available to children from 2nd to 6th and will cost 40 euro per child for 10 hours. This includes all materials and end of course certificate. If your child would like to join please sign and return the attached slip.
Knitting, Basketball/Art and Book Club will be available as After School Activities this year - more information and start dates to follow later.
Forms to be Completed
If you are the parent of a new pupil please return the Pupil Profile Form you received earlier this week.
Also, for new pupils, please complete attached Primary Online Database (POD) form and return before Friday, 11th September. This is an important Department of Education requirement.
If you wish to avail of the optional Pupil Personal Accident Insurance please complete the attached form and return to the school office along with the fee no later than the 18th September 2015
Clean Up
Weather permitting, a cleanup of the school garden, shed, yard and surrounding areas is planned for Saturday, September 12th, starting at 12 o'clock. Please come along and give us a hand!
School Breakfasts/Lunches
Everyone is set up on Carambola breakfasts/lunches:, except for those who have opted out. There are extra items to choose from this year so please login to select those options. The children will have received samples of the new items this week, for example, breakfast cereal, fruit pot, flapjack, scone, etc. If you want to access breakfast and lunch menus and you do not have your child's login details please contact the school office.
After School Catholic Religion Classes
Classes will start back next Wednesday, September 9th. from 3 20pm to 4 20 pm.
Book Rental Money
Thanks to those who have sent in money for book rental, photocopying, art and craft, etc.
Any outstanding money should be sent in as soon as possible.
Les Miserables
Good luck to Caitriona (3rd class) who is playing Cosette in Les Miserables. The shows are on in Siamsa Tire on Thursday 24th, to Saturday 26th September, at 8pm and a matinee on Saturday at 2:30pm.
Safety - Drop Off and Pick Up
To help us have a safe school year we ask that you park in the car parks outside the school barrier. Please do not drive into the area in front of the school.
Information Update
If there has been any change to your information details, such as change of address, etc. please let the school know as soon as possible.
New Enrolments Welcome
We continue to enrol children as the school year begins. If you know any families who may be interested in our school please invite them to contact us.
These are links to Mary's two recent Kerry Radio interviews
Go raibh maith agaibh.
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School News Letter October 2011 | |
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